holy spirit

Light of Life Radio Ministry

". . .come here, and listen to the words of the Lord, your God." Joshua 3:9
. . . Catholic radio . . . listener supported radio . . . all volunteer radio . . .

Business / Professional Partners

•  daily on-air recognition of your affiliation with Catholic values [specific time of day recognition is available]
•  exposure to a dedicated Catholic listenership and potential clientelle
•  recognition on the LoL Radio web site with a link to your web site
•  custom creative scripts and voice-overs included
•  affiliation with a particular radio program is available
•  suggested donation at least $100 per month [special introductory rate $300 for first 6 months]

•  FCC regulations for non-commercial broadcasting allows "recognition" of our sponsors but prohibits "advertising".
Call or email for specifics and for creative opportunities for recognition. Call or email for a sample recognition script.
•  Informal surveys indicate that 5% of the total population in our listening areas, listen regularly to LoL Radio.
[populations in listening areas 195,000 AM1190/NorthCentral WV 62,000 Clarksburg Bridgeport FM97.5 50,000 Morgantown FM89.7 62,000 Wheeling FM90.7
•  Commercial radio advertising rates are more than 5 times the suggested LoL Radio Business / Professional Partner donation.

with No Processing Fees

donate via US mail: LoL Radio Ministry, 132 Carubia Drive, Core, WV 26541
Call 304-598-0026 or 740-296-5758 for more information on donating and/or invoicing for your business recognition.

The US Internal Revenue Service determined that the Light of Life Community Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Depending upon your specific tax situation, donations to Light of Life Community, Inc may be tax deductible. Consult your tax accountant for specifics.

contact Light of Life Community, 132 Carubia Drive, Core, West Virginia 26541
or email Light of Life Community

LoL Radio Ministry